Mosul’s Passage of Death

ISIL announced that the western bank of Mosul is (Dar Al-Islam) (the land of the believers) and the eastern bank is (Dar Al-Kufr) (the land of the infidals), and anyone trues to cross to the eastern bank will be considered a “Kafir” (an infidal) and death is what one would face trying to cross. Mosulis risk a lot to cross to the eastern bank where the liberated areas are, and the cost they pay is too high.

The cost to cross is death, and staying at the western bank means death too. Families tried to cross over through the narrow passage that is less than a meter wide of the collapsed fifth bridge, but their attempt cost them their lives; ISIL killed the family’s father and took his wife and children just because they tried to flee ISIL.

Those who live on the western bank of Mosul are living death in every moment, where there is no water,no power, no food, no fuel, and no peace.

Mosul is now torn down on the middle of both its sides. Those who stayed on the eastern bank are living under ISIL’s mortar shells and snipers, and those who live on the western bank are seiged, trying everything to escape death with no success.

They lost the last string of hope, and the last string to safety and peace.


  1. Myself and many of my compatriots are thinking of the people of Mosul and the awful situation you are in by no fault of your own, we agonize over it and try to think of anything we can do to help or brothers and sisters there. Please know this, and if there is anyway we can make a difference we would and we will. Please know you and your beautiful families are not forgotten. May God watch over you.

  2. Hi. I have followed your blog since I got to know about its existence. It has inspired me a lot. I can empathise with the people out their in mosul. “You people are the true warriors” and I salute you for that.

    Even if you just try to give away the happenings inside mosul, your writing portray in itself the darkness that hovers in mosul. I don’t know, I’ll be a no-one actually to comprehend what is going through the minds of mosulis, what scars they are carrying and their constant fight with death that can come through any door without knocking.

    I am just a commoner who hails from some part of the earth but I have questions which I afraid will go unanswered by this politically stumbled world. So, if the following questions are worth answering and if you have time; I will be looking forward for your answers.


    Q: What does freedom mean to you and the rest of the mosulis, in its real sense; Keeping in view that mosul is fighting a “disguised war” ever since 2003 till now?

    Q: Being under a long drawn war (in split nature, with different enemies each time), how has it shaped the minds of youth? And what consequences it might have in future?

    Q: Those kids below 10 who lose their parents and who must be wondering what’s happening around them; isn’t it an immoral war that has been waged against them? The scars that have been left on these children make them the most prominent prisoners of war, what guarantee is that they won’t take revenge whose seeds have been sown already! What would you suggest ( as you must have seen these children) as to how can their future be saved?

    Q: If we debate the issue of how terrorists are made (I deliberately didn’t use born) what are your views on this? Are they the result of isolation in political arena or a sort of revenge they seek for their rights being violated?

    Q: Why their actions are in the name of a religion? As far as I know no religion teaches us to be inhuman and disrespect other religions which is in visible contrast if their atrocities done are taken into consideration. Is it to garner audience and support or what is it?

    Q: Will this action( seeking haven in the name of religion) force people to become Atheists?

    Q: What does the intervention of US and Russia is seen in the eyes of mosulis? Will you call them friend in disguise or a desperate philanthropist? ( I would call them psychologically trodden mind players!no offence).


  3. My brother, i hope you and your beloveds are okay. I always read your blog and follow the troop movements about Mosul operations and syria war. I have seen nothing new here in your blog and i hope nothing bad had happened to you.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with all you iraqi citizens during this time of turmoil. i have been following the daily accounts of your pending liberation from isis. please have faith that this day will come very soon.

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